A downloadable game for Windows

In the game "Cathexis," you take on the role of Emily - an outlaw art historian. She lives in a world where antique objects can absorb emotions and come to life, therefore those are forbidden and must be destroyed.

Emily's life changes when she discovers her father's old Polaroid camera, who disappeared several years ago. Inside, there was a single photo depicting an old, dilapidated motel in Florida. Emily decides to visit it, hoping to learn more about her father's vanishing.

Now all that's left is to find out what really happened there.

Emily's camera is the key to solving the mystery.


  • W,A,S,D to move 
  • Mouse to rotate the camera
  • Shift to run
  • F to interact
  • LMB to take a photo
  • RMB to turn on the camera
  • Mouse wheel to switch filters


  • Yellow - joy
  • Blue - sadness
  • Green - fear
  • Red - anger 


The camera interface is not yet finalized. Opposite emotions repel each other, while the same emotions attract each other. You should choose a neutral filter to absorb emotions.

This prototype was created as part of a university project during our third semester at DE:HIVE Berlin by Sigi Retzep, Elias Zamora, Alica Schneider, Quynh Vi Trinh, Sergei Krupitskii.


Cathexis.zip 174 MB


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